Children and Teenagers Should Be Equipped with Various Skills to Stop Unemployment in Future

July 22, 2022

The United Nations describes youth as people between the age of 15 and 24 years of age. Africa has the youngest population in the world with a median age of 19.7 years.

As the world marked World Youth Skills day on the 15th of this month. This year’s theme is to provide a unique opportunity for dialogue between young people, technical and vocational education and training institutions (TVET), firms, employers, and workers organizations, policymakers, and development partners.

The World Youth Skills day also helps the youth to manage their school work, outside interests, and social relationships successfully.

As children and teenagers learn by observing, listening, exploring, experimenting, and asking questions.

However, some of these children and teenagers are faced with barriers such as gender, poverty, displacement, and disability.

These barriers may prevent children and teenagers from growing into new skills. This may lead to an increase in unemployment in the future due to a lack of skills.

Youths are expected to be the next future generation. Thus they should be well equipped with knowledge on how to handle difficult problems and find their solutions.

In addition, they should be educated on the ways to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals which aim to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

With this knowledge, unemployment may decrease in the future as many youths may be equipped with various skills.

Launching programs like mentorships, seminars, and workshops for children and teenagers may also reduce unemployment.

By Eddah Waithaka

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