Parents of 2 KCPE Candidates who drowned in Kiambu Wants School held Responsible

November 29, 2022

Parents of two KCPE candidates who drowned in Kiambu County during a school retreat wants school authority held responsible for the death of their children,

The parents are accusing Comejuu premier academy administration for alleged negligence. Peter Mwangangi and Russell Mihingo drowned on Saturday in Theta dam during a school retreat organized by the school.

They were among sixty candidates from the school registered for KCPE examination.

Russell father, Paul Macharia yesterday speaking to the press said they weren’t informed that the children were to be taken for a retreat when they attended prayers day earlier that week.

‘We  attended the prayers day and they should have informed us they wanted to take the kids for a picnic,  but didn’t, why take the kids to the forest while they were supposed to sit for their exams on Monday?’ he posed

The two families which had gathered at Kenyatta National Hospital morgue for postmortem cites dishonest in school’s explanation on how the two met their deaths.

Macharia said the school had informed then that the boys sneaked and left the other students and went to the river but then again they say they fell into the river.

‘So we were told they sneaked but then we’re also told they fell into the river, when we went at the scene they were alleged to have fallen, we concluded it’s impossible for someone to fall into the river,’ he said

Peter’s father Dominic Musau said they sense foul play as the boy’s bodies were retrieved from the river without clothes wondering how they would have fallen into the river without clothes.

‘The children’s bodies were retrieved from the river without clothes, we asked the police officers how comes the children don’t have clothes and the water is stagnant, who or how were clothes removed?’ he said

According to the school management the boys are said to have allegedly broken off from the main group to go swimming before they were discovered missing.

However, the parents are blaming the school for neglecting their children.

Esther Wangui, peter’s mother said they wanted an explanation on why they neglected the children and took them for a retreat without parents’ consent.

‘We want the school to explain to us why they neglected our children and took them for a picnic without our consent,’ she said

The victims’ lawyer, Justus Mutunga said the school is blaming the victims and don’t want to take responsibility for their death saying it’s unacceptable.

The school declined to comment on the matter saying it had already written a statement with the police.

The parents urged the police to hasten the investigation to ascertain what led to the death of their children.


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