Education Latest News

Butere Boys Closed Indefinitely Following Suspected cases of Food Poisoning

Butere Boys’ High School in Kakamega County has been closed indefinitely following suspected cases of food poisoning.

One hundred students have taken ill with vomiting and diarrhea symptoms. The students are admitted at Butere County Hospital Medical

Five of the learners who were in critical condition are reported to have stabilised after receiving treatment. No details were provided on what could have caused the ailment.

According to Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa analysis of samples from the learners at the Level Four Butere Sub County hospital had ruled out cholera and typhoid.

The parents were informed of abrupt school closure due to ‘stomach problems’ via text message by the school principal Henry Okusi.

“Dear Parent/Guardian: this is to inform you that your son has been sent home due to an outbreak of stomach problems leading to diarrhea. Once the Public Health Officers give us a report declaring the school safe for your son, we shall recall them back. Bear with us,” read the text.

This comes a day after the Sacred Heart Mukumu Girls High School in Kakamega was closed indefinitely following the death of two students due to bacterial infection suspected to be caused by water or food poisoning.

The Governor said an emergency team comprising health teams from the county and national government will be formed to look at the issue of hygiene in learning institutions in the region.

He spoke after attending a closed-door meeting at the school which lasted four hours with Kakamega County Commissioner John Ondego, Ministry of Education officials and their counterparts from the Ministry of Health being in attendance.

Samples of food and water were collected and will be sent to the Kenya Medical Research Institute (Kemri) for further analysis in a bid to establish the cause of the disease outbreak.



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