The CBC review team appointed by President William Ruto today started engaging the public in an exercise expected to continue for the next two weeks.
The engagement forum will be conducted across the 47 counties from 8 am to 10 am from November 1 to Friday, November 11.
The Prof. Raphael Munavu led taskforce started its engagement in ten counties and has spread out to different parts of the country.
Specific places where the public can find the team members and engage them have been designated.
On Tuesday, November 1, they will visit Kwale, Taita Taveta, Marsabit, Nyandarua, Turkana, Kericho, Busia, Migori, Mandera and Samburu counties.
The notice read, “Kwale High, CDF Hall Mwatate, Moi Girls Marsabit, Myandarua High, Lodwar Boys, Kericho Teachers College, Lwanya Special School, Migori TC, Mandera Secondary and St Irene Secondary.”
On Thursday, November 3, the team will collect public views in Mombasa, Makueni, Nyeri, Elgeyo Marakwet, Bungoma, Nyamira and Homa Bay.
“Coast Girls, Makueni Boys, Nyeri High, Tambach TC, St Teresa Sio, Sironga Girls and Homa Bay High,” the notice reads.
On Friday, November 4, the taskforce will visit Isiolo, Wajir and Laikipia counties. The venues are Isiolo Girls, Wajir High and CDF Hall Nanyuki.
On Monday, November 7, the exercise will continue in Kilifi, Kitui, Kirinyaga, Bomet, Trans Nzoia, Kakamega and Kisii Counties before the committee engages residents of Meru, Garissa and Baringo counties on November 8.
The committee will similarly engage relevant education stakeholders in Lamu, Embu, Muranga, West Pokot, Narok, Nandi and Siaya counties.
The exercise will conclude in Tana River, Machakos, Tharaka Nithi, Kiambu, Uasin Gishu, Kajiado, Vihiga, Kisumu, Nairobi and Nakuru counties on November 11.