Fact Checks

FALSE: This video is not of a school bus arrested with Machetes in Kiambu


The video is of a school bus that caught fire in Kainuk, Turkana County.

This Facebook post with a video claiming to show a school bus arrested in Kiambu, loaded with machetes on July 19 2023 is False.

“Kiambu, a school bus loaded with Machete has been arrested by citizens on the lockout,” reads the post.

The video was shared as Kenyan opposition outfit Azimio la Umoja One Kenya held its anti-government protests in different parts of the country.

Mtoto News performed a Google reverse image search on a keyframe from the video and established that the clip was first posted by a TikTok user named Mandela Lorukia.


According to Mandela, the incident happened in Kainuk, Turkana County where the bus belonging to St. James Kaikor secondary schools caught fire reportedly caused by hanging electrical lines at the service lane.

The incident was also reported by Elawa Turkana Tv Facebook page which noted that the bus was transporting pupils from a music competition in Narok County.

A keyword search led us to debunks by PesaCheck and Piga Firimbi which also found that the incident happened in Turkana.

Additionally, no credible publication covered any such story.

Mtoto News investigated a video on Facebook claiming to show a school bus arrested in Kiambu, on 19 July 2023 loaded with machetes and found it to be False.

This fact-check was published by Mtoto News with support from Code for Africa’s PesaCheck and African Fact-Checking Alliance.

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