Fact Checks Toto Facts

HOAX: This Facebook post claiming Huduma Kenya is paying pension for teachers who retired between 1997-2007 is misleading

The agency has disowned the claim.

This post on Facebook claiming Huduma Kenya is paying pension for teachers and other Ministry of Education staff who retired between 1997-2007 is a HOAX.

“Hi members, do you know of anyone who worked in the ministry of Education as a teacher or any other position and retired between the year 1997 and 2007? If yes, advice him/her or his/her family (if deceased) to visit Huduma Centre – Pensions department for some claims that were paid. Tell a friend to tell a friend,” reads the post. (Sic).

To confirm the post’s authenticity, Mtoto News Upon checked the official Huduma Kenya website, but we did not find any such communication.

On 21 September 2023, Huduma Kenya released a statement disowning the post and asking Kenyans to disregard it.

“Be aware of a fake message circulating on social media, targeting retirees and urging them to visit Huduma Centres,” the agency said.

The Kenya Police Service also flagged the claim on its verified X page.

Lastly, we checked the Pension department’s Facebook page for any such communication, but there was none.

We, however, found this post published on 1 September 2021, flagging a similar claim as fake. The post confirmed that the claim has been circulating since 2021.

Mtoto News examined a post on Facebook claiming Huduma Kenya is paying pension for teachers and other Ministry of Education staff who retired between 1997-2007 and found it to be a HOAX.

This fact-check was published by Mtoto News with technical support from Code for Africa’s PesaCheck newsdesk through the African Fact-Checking Alliance.





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