Child Rights Latest News OCSEA

NCAJ launches Training Handbook on Investigating and Prosecuting OCSEA

Kenya’s National Council on the Administration of Justice (NCAJ) has launched a training handbook on investigating and prosecuting online child sexual exploitation and abuse (OCSEA) in Kenya.

The handbook aims to help in training officers in the justice system on handling OCSEA cases in the child’s best interests.

The training has eight core modules and four agency-specific modules targeting officers mandated to investigate and prosecute cases of OCSEA, especially the police, magistrates, judges, prosecutors and lawyers.

Therefore, the Handbook is expected to ensure that the investigation and prosecution of OCSEA is seamless and effective and, most importantly, yield the child›s best interests and efficient administration of child justice in Kenya

In addition, the training package is a major step in implementing the Children Act as it will help in enforcing laws such as the Sexual Offences Act, which are designed to protect children online.

The handbook aims to equip frontline workers with the knowledge and skills to prevent and respond to online CSEA.

Handbook dubbed The Training handbook on investigation and prosecution of online child sexual exploitation and abuse in Kenya was developed with technical support from UNICEF Kenya, a grantee of the Safe Online Initiative at the End Violence Partnership and launched by the Hon. Lady Justice Martha K. Koome, Chief Justice.

Speaking during the launch, Marija Manojlovic, Safe Online Director, highlighted the need for ensuring effective justice for children. “There is an urgent need to streamline the justice process for children. When implemented well, for example via ‘one-stop’ centres, it can provide a child-friendly setting for child victims, and facilitate collaboration and coordination between support services”, she said

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