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Plea of a Disabled Child

By: Shamayah Nyendwa

Many say that disability is not inability, and I firmly believe that being differently abled does not diminish one’s capacity to dream. With a heavy heart, I write about the injustices faced by disabled children, hoping that future generations will look back on these times as a history of overcoming adversity. The world has often turned a blind eye to the cries of these children, whose voices are too often silenced by a society that deems them incapable of contributing to the nation.

I have witnessed many cases where a woman gives birth to a disabled child, only for the parents to hide the child from the community out of fear of ridicule or being viewed as cursed. In many cases, parents abandon their disabled children on the streets while they are still young, reflecting an old belief in many African cultures that such children were cursed. According to tradition, these children were not permitted to live and were often killed immediately after birth. Although this practice has ceased over time, some parents now choose to lock their disabled children away from the world.

A recent incident in my neighborhood highlights this issue. A woman had been secretly locking her disabled son in the house for years, and no one knew of his existence until he passed away at the age of sixteen. The entire community was shocked by this revelation, as no one had been aware of the boy’s presence all those years.

It is time for us to recognize that all children have equal rights. Every child has the right to association, not isolation; the right to be heard, not ignored; and the right to participation. As stated in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 23, paragraphs 1 and 2: “State parties recognize that a mentally or physically disabled child should enjoy a full and decent life, in conditions that ensure dignity, promote self-reliance, and facilitate the child’s active participation in the community.” Yet, in many societies, children with disabilities continue to be bullied and marginalized.

I believe that everyone has the right to life, regardless of their abilities. Locking a disabled child in a house is akin to imprisoning all of their rights. Every living being has the right to see the sun, to participate in life. Keeping a disabled child confined is, in essence, killing that child before their time.

It is high time society dedicates itself to treating every child equally and providing equal opportunities. While some disabilities may be more severe than others, many children can still manage certain tasks and contribute to society. I urge all government and private hospitals to offer free prenatal scans so that parents can be aware of the condition of the child they are carrying. Additionally, clinics should conduct counseling sessions for mothers expecting disabled children, both before and after birth, to ensure they are prepared to raise the child. If parents feel they cannot, the government should step in to support that vulnerable child.

Every child has a purpose on this earth. As Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” Let us ensure that this truth applies to all children, regardless of their abilities.

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