Primary school pupils are most likely to abuse prescription drugs according to new report by the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA)
The report indicate that prevalence percentage of prescription drug abuse is at 10.4 per cent among pupils, followed by alcohol at 7.2 percent.
Tobacco usage among the pupils came third at 6 percent.
On the same breath, secondary Students are most likely to abuse alcohol at 23.4 per cent, followed by khat at 17 percent and prescription drugs at 16.1 percent
NACADA noted a serious and growing problem of alcohol and drug abuse which it said needs to be addressed.
“The situation has been made worse due to the growing problem of drug abuse in our schools. The most abused drug in Kenya is alcohol followed by tobacco, khat, cannabis, prescription drugs, heroin and cocaine,” the report said.
The report was presented the Council of Governors (COG).