
Safe Online Invests $4M to Generate Evidence on Tackling OCSEA

Safe Online is set to invest $4 million for generating crucial data and evidence to tackle online child sexual exploitation and abuse (OCSEA). This initial investment will be followed by an additional $1.5 million for evaluations of the projects in the next quarter.

This project intends to inform solutions for the tech industry and policies for governments to strengthen online safety through resources and digital platforms that help children stay safe online.

In addition, it will enhance the knowledge and evidence base to support scale-up of tested approaches and solutions and also provide crucial insights to stakeholders in the larger online CSEA ecosystem.

This funding aims to build on learnings generated during previous investments and offers a unique opportunity to use results reported by grantees to understand the impact of programs and tools being funded, as well as identify lessons from the ground on how the change happens.

Grantee Projects have been selected from existing and previously funded Safe Online projects based on their potential for impact and scale.

Safe Online is an organization that invests in cutting-edge solutions and knowledge for online safety of children over the last six years and has so far reached $76 million in investments focusing on 95 projects with an impact in over 80 countries globally.

This comes at a time when the internet’s reach has expanded, and more children, and at an increasingly younger age, start to grow up in a digital world.

As their digital experiences increase, so do the threats and dangers they experience online. This includes online harassment and violence, exposure to harmful online content and concerns around unethical use of their digital data.





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