Education Latest News

State Orders Crackdown on Rogue School Heads Charging Illegal Levies

The Government has directed, Reginald, County and Sub-county education officials to ensure that no public school is charging un-authorized levies imposed by head teachers for students joining junior secondary schools.

In a circular, Education Principal Secretary Belio Kipsang said the Ministry had received complaints from angered parents and guardians and other stakeholders on un-authorized levies imposed by head teachers.

The levies include admission fees, purchase of desks and lunch money in complete contravention of the government policies and directives.

“Your attention is drawn to regulation 44 of the Basic Education Act, 2013, which states that, “No public school or institution shall issue alternative fees structure other than those approved by the Cabinet Secretary,” said PS Kipsang.

Further it added that the levies asked by school heads is uncalled for because the government has allocated Sh15, 000 capitation fee for each student.

In addition, he instructed Sub-County Directors of Education to visit all schools in their jurisdiction to establish whether students were being sent away due to unauthorized levies and report such cases for appropriate actions to be taken.


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