Education Latest News

The DCS Urges Parents to Keep Children Off Political Rallies

The Directorate of Children Services (DCS) is urging parents to keep children away from political rallies as the general election day in Kenya gets nearer. This happened on Sunday, July 31 as the DCS released a guidebook meant to improve child protection in the country.

According to the Kakamega County Director of Children’s Services (DCS), those guidelines apply to all stakeholders. These include parents, caregivers, caterers, and the general public.

Musoko issued a warning to politicians including children in their political rallies as it shows that they do not respect the rights of children. He also encouraged parents and caregivers to keep their children at home and observe their movements.

Let us respect children and leave them to grow up responsibly. Children should know the phone numbers and the names of their parents and guardians in order to inform authorities in case they get lost,” stated Musoko.

Speaking on Saturday, July 30 during the World Day against trafficking in persons 2022, Geoffrey Musoko termed children as the foundation of any country. They will grow into future leaders and take part in development matters.

With that, he insisted on the importance of protecting and nurturing them in the right direction. He also urged on steering away from misusing them on things that do not empower them. In addition, he urged teachers to ensure that children learn in a protective and child-friendly environment.

The Programme Coordinator for the International Committee for the Development of People (CISP) Kenya Esther Waduu spoke on the extensiveness of the cases of child trafficking. Some of the rising cases of the same are child labor, prostitution, and child marriage, which happen in Kakamega among other major towns in the country.

Waduu asks the general community to work in unison in reporting such cases for action to be taken. She reminded them about the toll-free number 116 that they can report and get a prompt response. In addition, her office engages with the community in dialogues to encourage them to report and follow through on cases of child trafficking.


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