Grade Seven Learners to Learn Consumer Rights Come January Next year

December 14, 2022

Through the collaboration between the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development and Competition Authority of Kenya, the incoming grade seven pupils will study consumer rights come January next year.

The learning will be through identifying consumer issues within the community and discussing possible remedies.

The presentation will be in form of drama, music, spoken word, dance and even visiting communities.

The concepts will be mainstreamed in home science and business studies from junior to senior secondary with learners undertaking in both formal and non-formal activities.

Prof. Charles Ongondo KICD chief executive officer said knowledge on consumer rights will not be a preserve of students taking business studies as it was before.

He said the introduction of consumer rights at an early age will create awareness among learn.

He added that by introducing the subject in the curriculum, learners will be equipped with skills and values to safeguard them from exploitation by unscrupulous business persons and organizations.

Echoing prof. Ongondo sentiments, the authority’s director general Wang’ombe Kariuki said this subject will help learners make informed choices in adulthood.

“Especially when faced with different products and services due to increased competition and market complexities,” he said.

The concept will be taught in at least 20 subjects at Grade 8 and 9 respectively and thereafter in more than 30 subjects at senior secondary in 2024 and 2025.

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