Kenya Takes Bold Step: Launches National Plan of Action to Combat Human Trafficking!

July 31, 2023

On Friday, 28th July 2023, Kenya launched the National Plan of Action on Trafficking in Persons as a robust effort to combat this heinous crime.

Poverty in Kenya still stands as an exposure to the illegal trade of trafficking for cheap labor and sexual abuse of women, children and men.

Florence Bore, the cabinet secretary in the Ministry for Labor and Social Protection, announced a comprehensive action plan in Nairobi, outlining its core pillars, which are prevention, protection, prosecution, and partnerships.


“The plan will guide stakeholders in the planning, implementation, and monitoring of the human trafficking strategies and interventions in the country,” Bore said.

Government data reveals alarming statistics, indicating that 41 percent of trafficking victims are women, 33 percent are children, and 26 percent are men. Moreover, labor trafficking accounts for a staggering 96 percent of all reported trafficking cases in 2022, signifying a pressing need for action.

To further tackle this issue, the labor ministry is developing a National Integrated Information Management System on trafficking in persons. This system aims to improve data collection, reporting, budgeting, and planning to combat trafficking effectively. Lawyers Without Borders will provide support for its development.

Kenya also aims to identify all available support services for victims and make sure they get the help they need. They also want to cooperate with other countries to stop trafficking that happens across borders.

CS Bore has taken strong action against rogue entities involved in trafficking. Under her leadership, 900 registered entities were vetted, and 400 of them were deregistered for various wrongdoings, such as operating without known offices and fraud allegations.

Additionally, the government has reformed the oversight of employment agencies to hold rogue ones accountable and protect those seeking work abroad from harm. Kenyans are urged to deal only with duly registered agents through the Ministry of labor and the National Employment Authority. Agencies will now have to renew their licenses annually after inspection to ensure compliance and thorough investigation of any allegations against them.

In conclusion, Kenya’s plan is comprehensive and aims to protect its people and fight human trafficking on a bigger scale

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