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Convicted American Paedophile Terry Ray Krieger, Denied Bail in New Defilement Case Despite Previous Release

Terry Ray Krieger, an American citizen and convicted paedophile released in November 2022, has been denied bail in a recent defilement case at the Mavoko Law Courts in Athi River, Kenya. Accused of defiling a 3-year-old girl at Great Wall Gardens in Athi River, Krieger appeared in court on Tuesday following his arrest on November […]

Climate Change

Impact of El-Nino rains on children in Kenya

El-Nino, or heavier-than-normal rains, is a devastating issue that occurs every 3 to 5 years, causing huge rainfall and flooding in different areas of Kenya. The Kenya Meteorological Department had previously issued a warning on areas most likely to be affected, including North Eastern counties and the coast leading to Mandera and Wajir, as well […]