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Gavi Approves a Six–In–One Vaccine For Low-Income Countries

Global Vaccine Alliance, Gavi, is set to deploy a six-in-one vaccine to lower-income countries like Kenya with the aim of establishing innovative mechanisms to protect against future epidemic threats.

This vaccine aimed to be administered to infants is a combination of the pentavalent vaccine, which protects against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type b, and the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV).

The hexavalent vaccine is expected to help countries deliver protection against all these diseases more efficiently and cost-effectively and to contribute significantly to polio eradication efforts by expanding IPV coverage.

In addition to the new vaccine, Gavi also approved a long list of potential new vaccines for consideration for inclusion in future Gavi programs at its Board Meeting ending June 28th.

The new vaccine will be administered as a three-dose series, and Unicef estimates that about 100 million doses will be needed worldwide by 2030.

Gavi has given a timeline for countries to apply for funding to facilitate the program and eventually introduce these vaccines in their countries.

“The hexavalent vaccine is expected to help countries provide protection against all these diseases more efficiently and cost-effectively, and make a significant contribution to polio eradication efforts by expanding IPV coverage,” Gavi said in a statement.

“Gavi and Alliance partners will also provide support to countries currently administering pentavalent vaccine who wish to switch, and work with manufacturers to ensure the health of both the pentavalent and IPV markets,” it said.


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