Kulingana na ripoti ya KDHS iliyotolewa leo, Kaunti ya Samburu inaongoza na asilimia 50 ya mimba za utotoni, huku Kaunti ya Nyeri na Nyandarua ikiwa na asilimia 5. Ripoti hiyo iliyofanywa na Utafiti wa Idadi ya Watu na Afya Nchini Kenya(KDHS), kuanzia Februari 17 hadi Julai 13, 2022, ilihusisha takriban kaya 37,911. Ripoti hiyo imeangazia […]
Day: January 17, 2023

The overall national child vaccination rate stands at 80 percent according to 2022 Kenya Health Demographic Survey released today. This is a slight improvement from 2014 KDHS where national vaccination rate stood at 79 percent for the same age group. Vihiga County has the highest number of children vaccinated standing at 96 percent followed by […]

Diseases and infections, although over looked, are significant causes of child malnutrition according to a report by Save the Children. The report indicates that in crises, like drought, health systems become stretched, access to safe water is more difficult and poor hygiene and sanitation is common. As a result, disease, diarrhoea and parasitic infections which […]