English Health HEALTH-CHILDREN LANDING latest latest Latest News Op-ed Toto Facts Uncategorized

Understanding mental health

Written by Alice Njoki. Can you tell if your friend is struggling with mental health issues? Maybe if she or he starts behaving weird like being quiet than usual, or their mood swings change instantly, this indicates that they might be going through something and when you notice such changes which includes mood swings, poor […]

English Health latest latest Latest News Op-ed Toto Facts Uncategorized

Childhood Cancer In Kenya

Written by Alice Njoki Childhood cancer is becoming a bigger concern in Kenya, affecting thousands of children and their families every year. While the number of cases of childhood cancer worldwide is rising, Kenya faces unique challenges in dealing with this disease due to limited resources and lack of awareness. In Kenya, approximately 3,000 new […]

Child Rights English latest latest Latest News

Tanzania Makes Strides in Reducing Child Labour Amid Ongoing Challenges

By Alice Njoki Tanzania has reported notable progress in its fight against child labour, with a significant reduction in cases recorded over recent years. According to a joint report released by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the National Bureau of Statistics, and the Office of the Chief Government Statistician for Zanzibar, child labour rates […]

English latest latest Latest News

The Global Food Waste Crisis, A Problem We Can’t Afford to Ignore

As we fight with the, not so shocking reality of over a billion meals wasted daily while millions go hungry, it’s time to acknowledge a critical factor in this crisis: the role of parents in shaping our and their children’s attitudes towards food and waste. Households worldwide wasted over 1 billion meals each day in […]