Every child has a right to live and the government must ensure as much as possible a good life and development of a child but, that is brought to question when the ADF rebels cost the lives of 42 children on the night of June 16, 2023 with 6 abducted from Mpondwe/ Lubiriha Secondary […]
Tag: Uganda

At least 38 students, and a number of civilians, have been killed in a suspected rebel attack on a school in Uganda. The victims were burned, shot, or hacked to death after suspected rebels attacked a Lhubiriha Secondary School near the border with Congo, the local mayor said on Saturday. According to Uganda police, the […]
Shule zote nchini Uganda zitafungwa wiki mbili kabla ya muhula uliopangwa kukamilika baada ya visa 23 vya Ebola kuthibitishwa miongoni mwa wanafunzi, wakiwemo watoto wanane waliofariki. Waziri wa Elimu Janet Kataha Museveni alisema Jumanne kwamba baraza la mawaziri lilichukua uamuzi wa kufunga shule za awali, shule za msingi na shule za upili mnamo Novemba 25 kwa […]
Chanzo cha moto katika shule ya bweni huko Mukono, mashariki mwa mji mkuu, Kampala, kinachunguzwa huku watoto wanne wako katika hali mbaya na wanatibiwa hospitalini. Wazazi waliofadhaika wamekusanyika kwenye tovuti. Dkt Moses Keeya, anayefanya kazi katika hospitali ya eneo hilo iliyopokea majeruhi kwa mara ya kwanza, alisema “walipata majeraha mengi kwenye mikono, miguu na kifua. […]