
Is Technology Hurting Our Rights as Children?

By Shilla Lwangu Technology is a huge part of our lives now. We use it to learn, play games, watch videos and talk to our friends. While it helps us in many ways, it can also cause problems for us as children. It’s important to think about how technology might be affecting our rights, like […]

Child Rights Op-ed Op-ed

 What Is It Like Being a Child in Gaza?

They are looking at their empty cups, wondering if their next meal will come. Or will it be another loss? This is the daily struggle for children in Gaza. They wake up to the sounds of explosions and go to bed with the echoes of gunfire in the distance. Their world is a place where […]

Child Rights latest latest Latest News

Guide to Child Adoption in Kenya

Child adoption in Kenya is a journey filled with hope, compassion, and legal intricacies. Governed by the Children’s Act 2022 and international conventions like the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoptions, the process is designed to ensure the best interests of the child while facilitating the expansion of loving families. Types of Adoptions in Kenya Prospective […]

Child Rights Latest News

Understanding Child Participation from a Child’s Perspective

Imagine a world where children aren’t just seen but heard, where their opinions carry weight, and their voices shape the decisions that impact their lives.  This is the essence of child participation, it is the engagement of children in the matters that concern them. Child participation is not just a concept but it is a […]

Child Rights Op-ed Stories by Children

Period Poverty, A Girl Child Crisis

Some of you may ask, What is period poverty. From my understanding, period poverty is generally lacking access to menstrual products, education and hygiene resources needed when having a period. Now, Let’s talk about this. Is period poverty a girl’s crisis? Most people think it’s not but I fully disagree and and support the fact […]

Child Rights latest latest Latest News

The Launch of the Sexual and Gender based Violence and Child Justice Strategy

The Chief Justice of Kenya Hon Martha Koome has today launched the Child Justice and SGBV Strategy and Convicted Sexual Offenders Electronic Register at Kibera law Courts Nairobi. The initiatives are on spar with the strategic focus of the judiciary to transform systems into people centered one that upholds the dignity and rights of especially […]

Child Rights latest latest Latest News

Uganda : Children’s Rights Violated, 42 Killed with 6 Abducted

  Every child has a right to live and the government must ensure as much as possible a good life and development of a child but, that is brought to question when the ADF rebels cost the lives of 42 children on the night of June 16, 2023 with 6 abducted from Mpondwe/ Lubiriha Secondary […]

Child Rights Education

Juhudi za Kudhibiti GBV Mjini Murang’a

Wadau wa elimu katika Kaunti ya Murang’a wamekutana ili kujadiliana kuhusu jinsi ya kupunguza Unyanyasaji wa Kijinsia (GBV) katika juhudi za kuimarisha ubora wa elimu. Wakati wa mkutano wa uhamasishaji uliofanyika Jumatatu katika Shule ya Msingi ya Teknolojia mjini Murang’a, Mkurugenzi wa Elimu kaunti ndogo ya Murang’a Mashariki Samuel Ruitha  alisema kuwa watoto wameathiriwa na GBV […]

Child Rights Latest News

Haki za Watoto Kupewa Kipaumbele : Martha Koome

Jaji Mkuu Martha Koome ametaja maeneo muhimu ambayo Mahakama itaweka kipaumbele kuelekea siku zijazo. Juu ya orodha hiyo ni upatikanaji wa haki kwa watoto, kukuza utatuzi mbadala wa migogoro, kupunguza msongamano wa mfumo wa haki na haki ya uchaguzi, miongoni mwa mengine. “Tunalenga kuweka mfumo wa haki ulio salama ambao unashughulikia ipasavyo watoto wanaowasiliana na […]

Child Rights Climate Change

Mitindo Minane Itakayoathiri Watoto Mwaka wa 2023

Msururu wa migogoro iliyounganishwa inatarajiwa kuwa na athari kubwa kwa watoto mwaka wa 2023. Ripoti kutoka shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa la kuhudumia watoto (UNICEF), iliyotolewa Jumanne, inaeleza kwa kina mielekeo ambayo itabadilisha maisha yao katika kipindi cha miezi 12 ijayo. Ripoti hiyo, “Matarajio ya Watoto Mwaka 2023: Mtazamo wa Ulimwenguni”, pia inaangalia anuwai ya maeneo mengine […]