Health Uncategorized

Ongezeko la kesi za utumizi wa dawa za kulevya miongoni mwa watoto

Inasikitisha sana kuona kwamba kila kukicha kunakuwa na taarifa za kukamatwa kwa wauza dawa za kulevya katika nchini Kenya. Katika mahojiano na Afisa wa Marekebisho ya Gucha, Elijah Omanga, Kenya News Agency,  ilibaini kuwa kuna ongezeko la mara kwa mara la visa vya utumizi wa dawa za kulevya miongoni mwa watoto wanaosoma shule katika eneo […]

Health Uncategorized

Syria:Mlipuko wa kipindupindu wahatarisha Afya na Elimu ya Watoto

Shirika la Save the Children, lasema kwamba, maelfu ya watoto huko mashariki na kaskazini mwa Syria wako hatarini kutokana na kuenea kwa kasi kwa ugonjwa wa kipindupindu unaosababishwa na uhaba wa maji unaohusishwa na mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa na migogoro na matumizi ya maji machafu kutoka Mto Euphrates. Takriban watu 24 wamefariki kutokana na […]

Health Latest News

About a million children under 5 in dire need of malnutrition treatment

As drought continues to worsen in 20 of 23 ASAL (Arid and Semi-Arid Land) counties in Kenya, children and pregnant women are the most at risk of acute malnutrition. Worsening food security situation in most of the households has resulted in acute malnutrition rates across the counties. According to NDMA (National Drought Management Authority) statistics, […]

Education Health

These two NGOs are Partnering to End Period Poverty in Kenya

Two Non-profit and Non-Governmental Organizations namely Inua Dada Foundation and Mama Ibado Charity (MIC) have partnered to bring to an end period poverty in Kenya. The two signed a 1-year partnership that goes towards advocacy for the girl-child and ending period poverty. According to research, about 1 million school-going girls in Kenya miss out on […]

Data Stories Education Health Latest News

3 in 10 School-going Children in Kakamega are Overweight

A study conducted in 2021 and published last week in the Journal of Advances in Sports and Physical Education has revealed that three in every ten school-going children in Kakamega county are overweight. The study involved a sample size of four hundred children in twenty-four schools, both public and private. According to the findings of […]

Health Latest News

One Child Dies following Swine Flu Outbreak

One child is reported to have died following the Swine Flu Outbreak in Nakuru County’s Elementaita after the first case of the virus on July 27, 2022. This came in after eight people got admitted to Kiptangwany hospital after displaying H1N1 flu symptoms. These were 8 children under five that got admitted for the same. […]


Let’s try and talk to our adolescents on issues affecting their mental health.

Unlike in the past when there was not much involvement of the internet space. It was rare for children to suffer depression and anxiety. Globally, one in seven 10-19-year-olds experiences a mental disorder, accounting for 13% of the global burden of disease in this age group. Depression, anxiety and behavioural disorders are among the leading […]

Fact Checks Health

Menstrual products should be given free to girls in schools.

 Roughly half of the female population around 26 percent of the global population are of reproductive age. This signifies an important transition to womanhood. As menstruation is a natural and healthy process for girls and women of reproductive age. It should be followed by great support of affordable menstrual products. Research done by Menstrual Hygiene […]