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Why Bail for Alleged Child Exploiters Should Be Reconsidered.

As someone deeply invested in child safeguarding and protection, it’s disheartening to witness yet another case of alleged sexual exploitation of a child surfacing in our society. The recent arraignment of Netzband Tim Marvin, a German citizen, on charges of child trafficking, child pornography, and promoting sexual offenses with a child in Kilifi County, Kenya, […]

Op-ed Op-ed

Where Do I Stand??

It has been four months and twelve agonizing days of relentless genocide on Palestine. The images and videos making rounds on Social media haunt me. Children who are innocent and pure are now victims of a never-ending violence. Their hungry cries cut through the chaos while their tiny bodies bears the scars of a war […]

Health Op-ed Op-ed

Do You Always Check the Nutritional Value of Every Item You Buy?

I don’t think so. As parents, one of our most important duties is to take care of the health and wellbeing of our children. Considering the rise in childhood obesity and associated health problems, it is especially important to keep an eye on the nutritional value of the food we feed them. Checking the nutritional […]

Op-ed Op-ed

Is Teenage Fashion A Taboo?

Is teenage fashion a taboo? Personally, the answer lies in the eyes of the beholder. Some may perceive it as such, while others may see it as a natural part of adolescent development, a journey of self-discovery and expression. Teenage fashion is the clothing styles and trends that are popular among teenagers. It is often […]

Health Op-ed

Benefits of Exercising Regularly

How often do you exercise ? Is it important to exercise regularly ? Let’s find out …What would happen if you exercised everyday ? Well, no need to respond . Just think it through. Physical wellness is such an incredible journey that very few people have incorporated in their lives despite age, be it children […]

Child Rights Op-ed Stories by Children

Period Poverty, A Girl Child Crisis

Some of you may ask, What is period poverty. From my understanding, period poverty is generally lacking access to menstrual products, education and hygiene resources needed when having a period. Now, Let’s talk about this. Is period poverty a girl’s crisis? Most people think it’s not but I fully disagree and and support the fact […]

Climate Change Op-ed Stories by Children Uncategorized

It Is Time We Hold Ourselves Accountable

Most of the time you will hear people shout, Climate Change! Climate Change!, but does everyone really care about our planet? I don’t think so. Do we not know that human activities such as deforestation lead to environmental degradation where animals and plants lose their habitat, loss of trees and other vegetation can cause climate […]


Untold struggles; the existence of street urchins and street families

Children living or working in the streets are entitled to respect , protection and fulfilment of all the rights that have been clearly stipulated in the Convention on Rights of the Child. Basically, this is a human rights treaty which sets out the civil, political, economic, social, health and cultural rights of children.  What causes […]

Op-ed Stories by Children

Are Women To Be Blamed for the Rise of Femicide Cases in Kenya?

It is so sad that most times women are the ones to be blamed when they are killed. Femicide can be defined as an intentional killing with a gender-related motivation. Femicide may be driven by stereotyped gender roles, discrimination towards women and girls, unequal power relations between women and men, or harmful social norms. Based […]

Op-ed Uncategorized

From Childhood Dreams to Adult Wins

(Finding your way in life’s challenges with Gratitude and Growth) Imagine living in a world free of negativity, or free from people who always expect the worst and all kinds of disappointments in life. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Every human being may choose a lifestyle like this one because there is nothing better than relaxing […]