Data Stories Health Uncategorized

Kenya: Watoto milioni 16 hatarini kutokana na umaskini na mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa

Takriban watoto milioni 16.4 nchini Kenya, ambayo ni sawa na asilimia 67 ya idadi ya watoto nchini humo, wameathiriwa na umaskini na athari mbaya za mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa.

Education Education education Latest News

Makali ya Njaa yawaweka watoto nje ya madarasa

Shuleni Kavunzoni, watoto wengi wanalilia njaa huku wengi wao wakikosa kuwa makini darasani, ni misimu minne sasa isiyo na mvua mjini Ganze kaunti ya kilifi. Udongo umemumunyuka na ardhi imekomaa, watoto hawapati chajio wala kiamsha kinywa. Imekadiria miaka mitano sasa, ambapo wenyeji hawajaweza kupanda wala kuvuna chochote kile,ila hio ndio hali ambayo watoto kama Moses […]


The Boy Child and The Silent Crisis

October 11th of every year is the International day of the child. The world comes together to commemorate the steps made in empowering and securing the girl child. May 16th of each year has been observed as International Day of the Boy Child. This is a day dedicated to the whole world to focus on […]

Education Education education Entertainment

Kenya: Uzinduzi wa programu ya elimu ya kifedha kwa watoto

Prudential PLC imeshirikiana na kituo cha TV cha watoto cha Akili Kids, ili kutoa ujuzi wa kifedha kwa watoto nchini Kenya, hasa walio na umri wa miaka 7 hadi 12, kwa mnamo wa kila wiki. Mpango huo mpya umezinduliwa kupitia shirika la CSR la kampuni, Prudence Foundation huku ukilenga kufikia zaidi ya watoto milioni sita. […]

Latest News

A tale of stalled Sh126m Ruai center for street children

About 60,000 children and youth live on the streets of Nairobi and this number is increasing. For many children, their day to day survival can rely on scavenging, begging and picking through rubbish, they are vulnerable and in risk of being subjected to discrimination and marginalization, making it more and more difficult for them to […]

Health Latest News

About a million children under 5 in dire need of malnutrition treatment

As drought continues to worsen in 20 of 23 ASAL (Arid and Semi-Arid Land) counties in Kenya, children and pregnant women are the most at risk of acute malnutrition. Worsening food security situation in most of the households has resulted in acute malnutrition rates across the counties. According to NDMA (National Drought Management Authority) statistics, […]

Data Stories Fact Checks Latest News Uncategorized

Msichana,15, Awaua Ndugu Zake 3 na Binamu

Maafisa wa upelelezi katika Kaunti ya Kiambu wanachunguza kisa ambapo mwanafunzi wa kidato cha kwanza anadaiwa kuwaua ndugu zake watatu na binamu yake katika muda wa mwaka mmoja uliopita. Kulingana na KBC, Mtoto huyo alipokuwa katika kituo cha Polisi cha Kikuyu, alikiri kwa wapelelezi jinsi alivyowaua ndugu zake, mmoja akiwa na umri wa miezi 15, […]